how to grow spinach

Spinach is a plant with the scientific name. Chenopodiacea Spinacia oleracea L and in this respect is closely related to sugar beet. Spinach as a day-plant is strongly influenced by the the long day, that is, during the days, they get longer. The plant’s tendency stem and flowerAlthough other climatic factors such as heat can accelerate the flowering of spinach, it is not the major factor, and the duration of the light only will play a major role, so if the duration of the light is less than 12 hours, the spinach will not bloom. Spinach is an allogamous plant in terms of inoculation and its pollen grains are transported by wind.

Climatic and soil conditions for planting spinach

Spinach is not very sensitive to the weather and it is a product of the cold season. Adequate air and soil moisture have a positive effect on the growth and quality of spinach. In very cold regions, winter spinach is damaged
Spinach is one of the plants that has very deep roots and, as mentioned, penetrates into deep loamy silt soils up to 40.1 meters. Therefore, shallow or impermeable soils are not suitable for planting spinach. It grows in sandy and light soils but will not produce enough.

Important points in growing spinach

How to plant spinach

You should always buy fresh seeds of this plant because the old varieties do not give you a good plant and you should also plant them directly in the garden. Spinach planting soil should also be moist and contain nitrogen. Plant your spinach 6 weeks before the last frost.

Add 142 grams of fertilizer per square meter a week before planting, and after you have prepared the ground properly, you can plant the seeds at the same time as spring arrives.

If you live in areas where the spring cold lasts for more than three months, you can plant your spinach right in the middle of spring, and mid-May is also very good for this, but for areas that are warmer, early the best time to do it.

You should plant about 12 to 15 spinach every 30 cm and the depth of the ground should be about one and a half to two and a half centimeters. Each plant should be about 7 to 13 cm apart, and if the temperature in your area does not drop too low or above 70 degrees Fahrenheit, these seeds will probably germinate in 5 to 10 days.

Spinach sowing method at planting

Spinach can be planted in both sprays and rows with a seeder. In the hand-spraying method, the soil is pre-plotted and 25 to 30 kg of seeds per hectare are sprayed by hand.

Important points in growing spinach

Suitable light for growing spinach

Plants need enough light to grow, but summer plants usually need too much light. But since we plant these plants in winter, so we should try to plant them in areas that get as much light as possible.

Soil suitable for growing spinach

Deep soil for the growth of this plant must contain clay and sand and be able to absorb water and also must have organic materials.

Suitable PH

usually the pH of spinach is below seven and the PH between 6.5 and 7 is very suitable. Remember that the plants should be at least 15 to 30 cm apart so that enough air reaches them and the leaves can find their proper size.

Cold tolerance

Suitable temperature for growing spinach

Since cold plants grow better in cold weather and shorter days are more suitable for them, their temperature can be between 35 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit, and it is best to plant these plants in the fall.

They used to plant these plants in water, but now studies show that it is better to plant the plants in the soil, and remember that these vegetables grow a lot and then start to bloom. If the days in your area last longer than 13 to 14 hours, do not plant these plants.

If you live in the north, you can plant spinach twice a year, once in early spring and once in late summer.
In the south, these plants usually have to be planted at 28 degrees Fahrenheit, and these products must be harvested in winter.

How to water the spinach plant

Spinach is a plant that needs a lot of water. After planting the seeds, you should moisten 1.3 cm of the soil with water and water it regularly until the plants bloom.

Remember that spinach needs moisture but should not get too wet. When the temperature reaches above 80 degrees Fahrenheit, you should cover the plants to maintain their normal humidity.

Fertilizing material

Since spinach is a heavy food, you should add 5 to 10 cm of fertilizing minerals per 9 square meters. Feed the plants with nitrogen-rich compounds every two weeks to increase their production. Plants should be at least 10 to 15 cm deep in the ground to be less at risk, and be sure to moisten the soil after fertilizing.

Weeding spinach

You can weed at least 7 and a half to 13 cm of these plants and let the plant energy increase.
Instead of weeding the plants and causing damage to the roots, it is better to do this with scissors, which will increase the growth of the plant.

The best companions of this plant

Lettuce, eggplant, onion, pepper, tomato, strawberry, cabbage, pea, radish and celery

related article: How to Grow Tomatoes, Peppers, and Eggplant

Worst companions

There is no vegetable or plant that is incompatible with spinach.

How to harvest spinach

You can start harvesting after 6 to 8 weeks, when the plants are about 7 to 10 cm tall.

There are many ways to harvest these plants

You can cut all the leaves about two and a half centimeters from the top and let the spinach continue to grow again, in which case the plant will start to germinate again.

But on the other hand you can only separate the largest leaves

Pull them out and let the stems stay in place, which will make the newer vegetables fresher and increase spinach production.

If you planted your plant in the summer, you can probably harvest it in late May to August next year. For plants planted in winter, August to April is a good time to harvest.

Pests and diseases

Sometimes it is possible for spinach to flower more than vegetables because the weather in that area is too hot or not well watered, and you should plan this more carefully and try to clear your land. Keep it wetter than ever.

Mosaic virus

The disease is spread by plant aphids, and when this infection occurs, you will probably see spots on the plant that gradually begin to turn yellow and your spinach becomes dry and withered, which is better to prevent this disease by weeding your plant regularly.

Vegetable fungi

These fungi cause yellowing of old leaves and reduce the production and fertility of the plant. It also blackens the roots to kill the vegetable, and as long as these fungi are alive, they will spread throughout the ground and will continue to do so until next season.the best way is to rotate the seeds regularly several times and keep them in place.


Plant mold only attacks spinach in humid areas.
You can prevent this by keeping the plants away from each other so that enough air can reach them.
Mold attacks the plant when the air is too humid.
How to solve this issue? You can plant the plants farther apart and just water the soil and avoid watering the leaves.

Tube worm

There is no way to escape the damage of these worms and you just have to try to change the position of the plant and rotate it in place so that the plant is not in a stable place.


These birds eat the seeds and buds of the plant.
Protect them by pulling a net covering over them, and you can also use new mechanisms to keep birds away from the plant.

How to plant spinach seeds

Planting vegetable seeds in the garden

First you have to plow the land where you want to plant vegetable seeds and add manure to the soil and mix the soil well to mix the fertilizer with the soil

Tip: Adding old manure to the soil causes better vegetable growth.

Sprinkle the seeds on the bed you have prepared, make sure that the seeds are not sprayed too close and tightly together because they will not grow well after they grow together.

Now it is just enough to sprinkle about half an inch of manure or soil on the seeds and water them well slowly, it is better to irrigate with the sprinkler for the first 10 days so that the seeds do not move.It takes about 5 to 10 days for the seeds to germinate

how to grow spinach at home

First, prepare the pot in a size that you want, then pour suitable soil (a combination of 60% garden soil – 20% sand – 20% manure) into the pot and sprinkle the seeds on the soil and about half an inch of manure (if manure in It was not available, use vermicompost) or pour soil and water well. It is better to put a nylon freezer on it and put it next to the south window or balcony.

Be sure to pay attention to light because they need a lot of light in general, it is better to keep on the balcony in a place with direct sunlight. In case of lack of light, the stems will grow and the vegetables will not be of good quality.

how to freeze spinach

Spinach is not a plant that you want to store for a long time.You can only keep it in a plastic bag for a day or two out of the freezer.

If you want it to last longer, it is better to dry it and use its powder, and of course, people can increase the storage of spinach to several months with very cool freezers.

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